Set up table around 4.30 -4.45pm (Cash Tray-Microphone-Number Generator and 3rd chair if necessary from Reception).
Select Booklets of Meat Voucher tickets to be sold to ensure continuity from previous week (look in book to see the last number used the previous week) ... additional booklets are stored in the left hand side storeroom in a locker in the auditorium. The locker has our club emblem on the door and the key is in the briefcase. Select Seafood Raffle pages of 100 tickets making sure the colours are different each week and set out on table as room will allow. Check $60 float in briefcase.
Write up Record Book with start number flowing on from previous week for the Meat Vouchers. Sell Seafood Raffle tickets ..... $2 each or 3 for $5 and Meat Voucher tickets are $1 each strip or 6 strips for $5 {Tickets already folded) Two people to walk around in Club from about 6.15pm to sell tickets. They are to use aprons and change provided. Make sure the Meat Raffle ticket numbers you give them are not too far away from what you are selling or the number sequence will be broken. Raffle Draw is to be 7.15pm .. allow time to move into the Sports Bar and note the Finish number of the Meat Raffle tickets in the record Book. Give the Start and Finish numbers to the person working the Number machine (instructions on back of machine).
Draw Seafood Raffle first and record the number in the book and on the board, then draw the Meat Vouchers and as each number is drawn, record it in the book and on the board and mark off on board as prizes are taken. If a Voucher has not been collected at the end of the night keep it in the briefcase. Count takings at conclusion of Raffle MINUS the $60 float ( to be left in briefcase) and record takings in book. Return cash tray microphone and number generator to Reception. Please fill out the Deposit book and BOTH Ladies check money tally for deposit and bank it ASAP in Westpac Bribie Island Shopping Centre.
Set up table around 4.30 -4.45pm (Cash Tray-Microphone-Number Generator and 3rd chair if necessary from Reception).
Select Booklets of Meat Voucher tickets to be sold to ensure continuity from previous week (look in book to see the last number used the previous week) ... additional booklets are stored in the left hand side storeroom in a locker in the auditorium. The locker has our club emblem on the door and the key is in the briefcase. Select Seafood Raffle pages of 100 tickets making sure the colours are different each week and set out on table as room will allow. Check $60 float in briefcase.
Write up Record Book with start number flowing on from previous week for the Meat Vouchers. Sell Seafood Raffle tickets ..... $2 each or 3 for $5 and Meat Voucher tickets are $1 each strip or 6 strips for $5 {Tickets already folded) Two people to walk around in Club from about 6.15pm to sell tickets. They are to use aprons and change provided. Make sure the Meat Raffle ticket numbers you give them are not too far away from what you are selling or the number sequence will be broken. Raffle Draw is to be 7.15pm .. allow time to move into the Sports Bar and note the Finish number of the Meat Raffle tickets in the record Book. Give the Start and Finish numbers to the person working the Number machine (instructions on back of machine).
Draw Seafood Raffle first and record the number in the book and on the board, then draw the Meat Vouchers and as each number is drawn, record it in the book and on the board and mark off on board as prizes are taken. If a Voucher has not been collected at the end of the night keep it in the briefcase. Count takings at conclusion of Raffle MINUS the $60 float ( to be left in briefcase) and record takings in book. Return cash tray microphone and number generator to Reception. Please fill out the Deposit book and BOTH Ladies check money tally for deposit and bank it ASAP in Westpac Bribie Island Shopping Centre.